Tuesday, 4 August 2015

The Rules...

Well, it's an amateur blog about finding pasties on a global scale, so none really.
         A genuine Cornish Pasty has a few rules governing it's authenticity - the Cornish Pasty Association lists beef, potato, swede and onion as the only acceptable ingredients, which all must be uncooked when folded in pastry before baking. And of course, it must be made in Cornwall.
       However for our purposes we will allow ourselves a little room for interpretation. Anything that one could reasonably argue is a variation on the pasty is acceptable. The basic criteria we are looking for is meat and/or vegetables inside a carbohydrate casing; I know this definition is loose, but you are free to disagree on suitable entries to the pasty canon and I will make a case for each, using the basic tenets of the Cornish Pasty doctrine to argue for inclusion. We are looking for an entry from each country, but if we happen to find multiple contenders from somewhere that is all the better - the more the meatier.
        We will award each potentially permissible pie a score out out 5 - these 'Pasty Points' will determine legitimacy, with 5 being a perfect pasty match, 4 down to 2 being a debatable dish, and 1 being total nonsense. Lets Eat!